The momentum for change is also quickened by the genuine despair of the central cities, which welfare may not have caused but certainly does not cure.
As Jessica imperiously ticks off a list of famous former lovers, the movie finds its only note of genuine erotic despair.
When I'd told Bobby Halloway about this, he'd said that dogs are incapable of hating anyone or of feeling anything as complex as genuine despair, that their emotional lives are as simple as their intellectual lives.
Droopy-eyed Steve Walker mocks the self-importance of the callower plays but offers genuine despair as the lead in "John Gabriel Borkman."
Bonaparte, in face of these difficulties, was in genuine despair: "Everything is being spoiled in Italy," he wrote the Directory.
It was such a genuine despair that the cop put his hand on Yeamon's shoulder.
But Sampras earned further respect for the genuine and unashamed despair he displayed after his coach, Tim Gullikson, was stricken just before the third round, hospitalized and then sent home to Chicago for further testing.
His voice was a colorless dirge, delivered from what was clearly genuine despair.
It is the difference between genuine despair and a despair that is at least partly a pretence.
"I'm hearing some genuine despair, which will not do," she said.