But she inspired genuine devotion.
I looked at the faces of those around me: eager in genuine devotion.
It expresses Shelley's deep and genuine devotion for Jane.
Along with the construction of churches, creation of art and spread of legends, a number of genuine devotions and prayers to Saint George developed over the ages among Christians.
The painting is indicative of both Richard's belief in his divine right to rule and his genuine Christian devotion.
It had given him an outlet for expressing his genuine devotion to astronomy, somewhat stultified by living too long in the exclusive society of astronomers.
He shows genuine episcopal devotion to "the Church's welfare" crosscut by the commitment of individual bishops to their political masters.
You must understand, Potentate, that I do not do these things from any other motive than genuine devotion.
Foot added that Driberg "had always been much too ready to look forgivingly on Communist misdeeds, but this attitude was combined with an absolutely genuine devotion to the cause of peace".
Bobby Hunt was not the only member of this circus in whom Minton inspired a very genuine devotion.