But let's suppose for a moment that it is a genuine phenomenon.
Researchers have not found evidence of delayed grief, but delayed trauma appears to be a genuine phenomenon.
This type of accusation is reminiscent of the 1930s, the days when fronting, fellow traveling, and agitprop were genuine phenomena in American politics.
For a show that was supposedly about nothing, something is going on - part television network hype, part genuine pop-cultural phenomenon.
"You, with your talk of a fund for genuine phenomena -" The Shadow's laugh interrupted.
Racial salience bias in videotaped interrogations is a genuine phenomenon that has been proven through empirical data.
But the more we experience unusual periods, sporadic cycles, and surprising symptoms, the more it appears that a genuine physiological phenomenon is at play.
Psychophysicists don't even agree that mental manipulation of the upsilon-field is a genuine phenomenon.
He concluded that the Christian concept of possession was a genuine phenomenon.
They're almost always genuine bottoms-up phenomena.