David Llewellyn's production is humourous but cleverly highlights moments of genuine tenderness.
However, Aoki admitted the art is "quite nice, and there are some moments of genuine tenderness and humor."
Then softer still, with a genuine tenderness, the machine said, "I could not be more sorry, my good dear friend."
Dr. Dismas lit another cigarette and watched Yama with a genuine tenderness.
There's genuine tenderness in Ms. McLachlan's songs and a gift for speaking simply about matters of the heart.
She kissed them each on the cheek, with genuine tenderness.
It is here that genuine tenderness is allowed to surface over bogus attitude.
I call them my dolls," he said, speaking with genuine tenderness.
Still, there was genuine tenderness and longing.
This boy, on the other hand, is not violent and can even show genuine tenderness.