If New York is ever to reassert its claim of progressive leadership, it must have genuinely competitive elections.
The disappointing results stem in good part from the fact that a genuinely competitive market for electricity production has not developed.
At times the car looked genuinely competitive with strong qualifying displays.
Ms. Krueger said the committee would wait to determine which races are genuinely competitive before deciding where to allocate money.
Rather than a genuinely competitive election, this was in effect a vote of confidence on Mr. Putin's rule.
New York politicians are actually very averse to genuinely competitive contests.
Fewer and fewer candidates are elected in genuinely competitive districts.
In my judgment it is difficult to improve on a genuinely competitive wage or price.
Aye, it would have been nice for the moment to have come in a more genuinely competitive situation.
Iowa, which has genuinely competitive districts drawn by a nonpartisan panel, is an exception.