People are now free to go into business for themselves at home if they are genuinely independent and not employed by someone else.
This case doesn't target honest short-selling and genuinely independent research.
Both rulers used the same titles and were genuinely independent of each other.
He concludes that "There's no better case for pluralism, diversity and democracy, along with a genuinely independent press."
One can only speculate about how a genuinely independent and effective complaints authority would be received.
Can the Guardian please stop wasting our time with propaganda and produce some genuinely independent journalism?
It should be genuinely independent of all vested interest; 2.
Such faith will not increase if short-sighted executives leave us with no genuinely independent agency watching over accounting standards.
Who knows, however, whether a rule-of-law government and a genuinely independent judiciary might not be more important than elections in many countries these days.
It has nothing to do with objective, genuinely independent assessments.