The security is shocking these days -' He sounded genuinely outraged by the situation.'
As for the idea that scallops might be cooked in one minute and no more, that old chef was genuinely outraged by it.
Rojan was genuinely outraged.
This newspaper's readers were, Omond, assumed, likely to be genuinely outraged by the sale and in a position to influence Coalition thinking.
When Helena protests that she does not deserve such ill usage as to have declarations of love heaped on her, Ms. Camp is genuinely outraged.
Krako seemed to be genuinely outraged.
And that's because people are genuinely outraged at what has happened.
You have a genuinely outraged U.S. attorney for the Southern District.
That may have been the case, but Clinton did seem genuinely outraged, his face red, his voice edged with sharp anger.
The man was not trying to trap him; the man was genuinely outraged.