He's suspicious of superstition, but genuinely religious.
Hauer was considered by contemporary observers as a genuinely religious man, though his political sentiments were also commented on.
Kierkegaard accused Christian religious institutions of not being genuinely religious.
Foreigners who have met with representatives of these organizations believe that some members are genuinely religious but note that others appear to know little about religious doctrine.
When employees at these institutions sought to unionize, the nuns in charge often blamed themselves, thinking they had failed to create a genuinely religious environment.
Do you think some of them are ones which genuinely religious people would not adopt?
Theirs was a genuinely religious inspiration, he maintained.
Petkov had been denied a Christian burial or last rites, despite being one of Bulgaria's few genuinely religious public figures.
She was genuinely religious but whether her refusal to eat had spiritual undertones or was simply the machinations of a manipulative anorexic has never been clear.
Tim Parks: " He was a genuinely religious man, concerned about his soul, and that was a rather large problem for a banker."