List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area (all)
The town of Newtown has one political body, but consists of multiple geographic subdivisions.
Since 1911, Seattle's nine city councillors have been elected at large, rather than by geographic subdivisions.
Suburbs and localities are the names of geographic subdivisions in Australia, mainly for address purposes.
They are geographic and political subdivisions of a county.
Seattle's mayor and nine city council members are elected at large, rather than by geographic subdivisions.
Several times a year the regions organize training workshops and other educational events through sub-regions - smaller geographic subdivisions.
What good did it do the Pernese boys and girls to know the old geographic and political subdivisions of Terra?
The county council has five members; all are elected in and for specific geographic subdivisions for four years.
In the United States of America, a county is a political and geographic subdivision of a state, usually assigned some governmental authority.