And what makes anyone think Minnesota's Twin Cities will support their geographically correct sport any more in 2000 than they did from 1967 through 1993?
They wanted to make the divisions geographically correct, moving Atlanta and Cincinnati to the East, St. Louis and Chicago to the West.
After nearly a quarter of a century, the National League is on the threshold of becoming geographically correct.
As the Supreme Court media itself notes: "Swayne satisfied Lincoln's criteria for appointment: commitment to the Union, slavery opponent, geographically correct."
Not creative, but geographically correct.
The stars represent the nine islands which comprise Tuvalu; the arrangement is geographically correct, with the east towards the top (i.e. north to the left).
'Of course, he might not be geographically correct, but it makes a good story.'
At some point the station was renamed as well for the more geographically correct Center Moriches, New York.
That Long Island's favorite singing son, Billy Joel, didn't make the cut seems an indication Mr. Bishop isn't unduly obsessed with being geographically correct.
Adapting the projection of all radar signals allowing the geographically correct display and accurate superimposition of those videos.