All those non-human sapients crowded into - " "I took the same geography courses you did.
All you have to do," he said, "is buy a few maps to teach a geography course.
The university has a new requirement for beginning arts and sciences students of all majors: a geography course.
He managed to fit in a geography course, too.
He took a geography course his first semester and chose geography as one of his two majors (with German).
As of 2011, she continues to teach various geography courses at UT-Chattanooga.
The Penfield building houses classrooms for English, creative arts, French, foreign language and geography courses.
Burke initially taught the basic geography course and courses on Russia, where he had lived for two years.
Exposure to maps, globes, travel experience and geography courses were also factors in geographic knowledge.
It probably has Kentucky's Rick Pitino scrambling to take a geography course.