For example, many tholi appear to be volcanic in origin, but the term does not imply a specific geologic origin.
Because of their recent geologic origin, glaciated regions are often poorly drained and have many marshes, streams, and lakes.
The term carries no implication of geologic origin.
Online book from the National Park Service about the geologic origins of the scablands.
The term "hydrothermal" is of geologic origin.
"The Nature of Diamonds" explores the diamond, from its geologic origins to its uses in technology and research.
The laccolith ranges are much younger and have a very different geologic origin.
The geologic origins of Djebel Ressas and the neighboring peaks date to earlier than 100 million years ago.
A geoporphyrin, also known as a petroporphyrin, is a porphyrin of geologic origin.
Banks Lake is a natural pocosin or sink of ancient geologic origin.