It is geologically significant as the spillway of ancient Lake Bonneville.
The bluff is significant geologically as a locality for trachytic tuff, from which the feature derives its name.
Geological survey: generic term for a survey conducted for the purpose of recording the geologically significant features of the area under investigation.
The Disappearing Lake area in Pleasant valley area is a geologically significant feature of the area.
Mechanically strained or damaged crystals tend to become strong CL emitters, and their luminescent patterns can be mistaken for geologically significant features.
This increased the likelihood of local and regional scale geologic conditions on Mars that were favorable to analogs of terrestrial biological activity over geologically significant intervals.
However the majority of the ratepayers declined to approve the investment, preserving this geologically significant feature.
Beneath the surface lie hundreds of caves, a few of them quite significant geologically.
This imbalance is unlikely to have persisted for geologically significant periods of time.
The size and the borders of each region are defined by geologically significant boundaries and by the occurrence of geologic processes.