What are the main factors producing geometric distortion in Landsat images?
If the images to be rectified are taken from camera pairs without geometric distortion, this calculation can easily be made with a linear transformation.
Its distorted octahedral structure reflects geometric distortions due to the Jahn-Teller effect.
As the lenses combine a range of powers in a single surface there are also geometric distortions to the visual field, which increase with the addition power.
More recent systems can produce caricatures in a variety of styles, including direct geometric distortion of photographs.
The model does not include, for example, geometric distortions or blurring of unfocused objects caused by lenses and finite sized apertures.
This deliberate geometric distortion is then reversed upon projection, resulting in a wider aspect ratio on-screen than that of the frame as recorded on film.
Flat screens also increase total image viewing angle and reduce overall geometric distortion.
Camera optics generally introduce geometric distortion of images.
The surviving patterns show no evidence of the geometric distortions that would be characteristic of using a compass and straightedge.