Typical is the lack of shadows, the geometrical features, and the realistic proportions.
This homogeneity, or symmetry, of the class of frames captures the geometrical features of the linear, affine, Euclidean, or projective landscape.
Also contributing to the effect are what may be called "abstract locative" nouns, indicating geometrical features: lines, division, end, track, head, line, edge, joint, sweep, curves, etc.
There is legislation lurking behind most of America's large geometrical features.
To generate meshes so that it includes all the geometrical features mapping is very important.
Many of the formal geometrical features are similar.
He was a handsome man, with neat geometrical features, but it was this mysterious blemish which, I couldn't help thinking, was the secret of his success with women.
They had geometrical and naturalistic features reminiscent of gothic.
This allows the reproduction of the multiple-point statistics, and the complex geometrical features of the given image.
What distinguishes Tori's works is that it conveys peace and softness despite a rigid adherence to stock poses and geometrical features.