The sub-discipline, if such it is, can be regarded as an aspect of stratigraphy, although it makes use of geochemical and geophysical techniques.
In Offshore areas, geophysical techniques predominate.
Seismic reflection techniques are the most widely used geophysical technique in hydrocarbon exploration.
Based on geophysical techniques, the crust is estimated to be on average about 50 km thick.
A range of down-hole and ground geophysical techniques have been applied to determine whether fuller's earth is present, with some success in all areas.
Some MEG projects also made extensive use of geophysical techniques.
The deep structure of the IBM system has been imaged using a variety of geophysical techniques.
Forensic geophysics is the application of geophysical techniques such as radar for detecting objects hidden underground or underwater.
A tunnel project must start with a comprehensive investigation of ground conditions by collecting samples from boreholes and by other geophysical techniques.
NVPM are typically submerged and buried beneath thick sediments, so they must be studied using geophysical techniques or drilling.