The Caucasus is a geopolitical region just south of Russia.
Generally the term is used only when speaking about languages in a particular country or geopolitical region.
While South Asia had never been a coherent geopolitical region, it has a distinct geographical identity.
The Asian Institute has over one hundred affiliated scholars whose research focuses on the geopolitical region of Asia.
I'd rather not have to define myself at all by which geopolitical region I was born in.
At the moment, Nigeria is made up of six geopolitical regions which are capable of self-governance.
Regional police are a multijuridictional police forces which cover duly recognized geopolitical regions.
The unhealthy focus on geopolitical regions should be ended and a global approach to poverty reduction should be central.
It is important for the EU to build up relations with such countries which lie in an important geopolitical region.
Community youths who come from different geopolitical regions in Nigeria, come together to form clubs; discuss businesses and career opportunities at the centres.