Also, the Aleutians have tremendous wind and geothermal potential that has yet to be harnessed to its full potential.
In recent years, there has also been increasing interest in the country's geothermal potential.
Mexico has a large geothermal potential due to its intense tectonic and volcanic activity.
The flat and often sub-sea level landscape limits hydropower resources and the country does not lie in a region of high geothermal potential.
These local beings have tapped geothermal potentials of magnificent power.
There is a long history of interest in the possibility of developing the geothermal potential of the Komojang region.
Serbia also has a huge geothermal potential, which is only partially and sporadically utilized.
To date, most geological studies of the Mount Cayley field have focused on landslide hazards along with geothermal potential.
The Honduran site was one of six selected by the Los Alamos scientists for their geothermal potential.
Indonesia has much geothermal potential that can provide a constant, renewable power source in addition to wave, wind, solar, hydro, and other clean power sources.