This is the first time that geothermal steam of such high temperature has been used for electrical generation.
Today there is a power plant producing electricity from the geothermal steam.
Absolutely, because geothermal steam is not a commodity subject to the same price fluctuations, market changes and Middle East politics.
It also designed systems to clean geothermal steam.
They directly use geothermal steam of 150 C or greater to turn turbines.
Heat exchangers may be used where the geothermal steam is very corrosive or contains excessive suspended solids.
Geothermal Produce grew roses in one greenhouse heated by geothermal steam.
Over the past generation as geothermal steam and then hydropower supplemented coal, it had also become a major manufacturing center.
The openings in the earth surface, where geothermal steam and gases are emitted, are called fumaroles.
Engineers at the Unocal Corporation have designed a system that makes it easier to tap the energy of geothermal steam.