In 2010, the government decided to buy a hospital and to make it a specialized geriatric center.
The entrepreneurs expected heavy traffic at both of these businesses from the residents at the geriatric center next door and the people of the surrounding community.
A new geriatric centre is due to open later this month.
"It was our first bar mitzvah," said Dennine Cook, an official, of the geriatric center.
Both parents alive, mother somewhere in Minnesota, father an out patient at a geriatric center.
The geriatric center has pledged $10,000 annually to the program, she said.
Astra and her teams of Whites would visit every hospital, hospice, nursing home, and geriatric center in the world over the subsequent months.
Mr. Treffinger said 188 of the layoffs would come at the county's geriatric center, to be sold this year.
Deciding that it was time to move on, she met with a friend who sells clothing to geriatric centers.
Nearly 5,000 of the union's 12,000 members work at the hospital, the geriatric center and the clinics.