Leading geriatric specialists fear that old people may be denied help because they stay in hospital for longer than average - and run up bigger bills.
By the end of last year, 2,360 psychiatrists were certified as geriatric specialists.
A family physician or a geriatric specialist is best suited for this job.
His father retired as a family practitioner and geriatric specialist.
Hospitals and geriatric specialists might be expected to welcome the plan.
Perhaps, the doctors joke, when the twins grow old, they will be referred to one of the geriatric specialists down the hall.
But some of the tips from geriatric specialists and male health experts are not only surprising, they sound fun.
The last place my increasingly forgetful 85-year-old father wanted to be was sitting beside me in the office of a geriatric specialist.
Despite such high percentage of older people there is no geriatric specialist or consultant with the health insurance agency.
After all, not much follows middle age except joining the ranks of the ancients - or, as geriatric specialists now say, "the old old."