Also located on the Tralee site is a 46 bed geriatric unit that serves the need of the greater Tralee area.
A new geriatric unit was opened at the hospital by Princess Margaret in 1957.
The answer until now has been to put them in geriatric units.
Whitehaven Castle became a geriatric unit until 1986, when due to fire regulations, it had to close.
Life in the geriatric units has become steadily more difficult, employees there say.
It was opened as an isolation hospital in 1897 and later became a geriatric unit.
It was reported that a geriatric unit was seeing as many as 7 patients a month with nitrazepam induced disabilities and health problems.
In the 1950s the patient population reached 4800 with the construction of a maximum security forensic building and geriatric unit.
And other plans call for expansion of the geriatric and hospice units.
Instead, her daughter, Yelena Schwarz, tried one last psychological evaluation, at a county hospital, and unwittingly wound up in a geriatric unit.