Since Sept. 11, the government has been stepping up efforts to improve the nation's ability to respond to a germ attack.
The Bush administration has asked Congress for $1.5 billion to fight germ attacks, most of it to stockpile antibiotics and vaccines.
To counter germ attacks, both vaccines and antibiotics can be administered in advance.
Saddam will credibly threaten, if we do, to take out a major U.S. city in a germ attack.
Most experts consider another germ attack on the United States only a matter of time.
It could also aid investigations of germ attacks.
Pentagon officials feared an Iraqi germ attack could kill up to 200,000 American troops, the book says.
Investigators found the cult had already unsuccessfully launched germ attacks meant to kill millions of people.
Polaris says the product will keep the whole family safe in the event of a germ attack.
The military and the national weapons laboratories, increasingly worried about germ attacks, tried a new approach in the late 1990's.