Without plowing, seeds germinate well on the surface if site conditions meet the needs of the seeds planted there.
The large seed germinates well after many months.
Though they mostly germinate well, the rearing of the young plant is, in fact, extremely difficult and requires a lot of effort.
The seeds germinate well, but the plants are always tall and skinny.
The single large seed germinates well within two months.
The seeds germinate well and the seedlings grow fast.
It germinates well, but is difficult to establish and slow to grow.
In the heat of summer, I put the pots in a slightly shaded area, because baked seeds don't germinate well.
The seed germinate and grow well in upland habitats where planted but the species almost exclusively inhabits floodplains in the wild.
Often they germinate well at this time of year, and will overwinter and get off to a good start next spring.