She turned to O'Keefe, nor by slightest look or gesture betrayed she knew others were there than he.
Not a gesture, not a word, betrayed Juliana's emotions.
He could cite no instance of outright discrimination, but said looks and gestures sometimes betray upper-caste condescension.
In the language of the body, an ill-timed gesture, hands that won't be still, eyes that look away - also betray guilt.
For an instant, lBrad's shoulders slumped, the gesture betraying his weariness.
This was not a man whose face or gestures would betray him.
Every gesture, every movement of his eyes, betrayed his superstition.
The gesture betrayed more than simple fatigue.
His gesture betrayed the dark stains spreading through the silk under his arm.
But such was the power of the commander on board, that not a gesture betrayed the resentment which this man must have felt towards the Canadian.