"I learned that getting information from a federal agency you need to be persistent," Ms. McGann said.
Another was getting food packages from a private agency.
I simply can't face the prospect of getting another Alice Faraday from an agency.
Getting good advertising from an agency, however, requires a good client, he said, and he had a few suggestions.
First, it got "Dasani" from a naming agency, choosing it from among 100 or so contenders.
I got her from an agency, too.
If you are having difficulty getting an answer from a federal agency, or feel you have been treated unfairly, my office might be able to help.
"Plus you get better service from a small agency, like mine."
"In the past, it's been nearly impossible to get feedback from an agency because it's so labor intensive," he said.
She said that last night she got a call from an agency over there wanting her to start right away.