She went over and over the ghastly details in her mind without understanding why.
Knew what was to happen, when, every ghastly detail?
But the broad story told by the shuttle's infrared scans left no need for every ghastly detail.
But amassing ghastly details has the same liverish effect as a surfeit of junk food.
A hundred years ago an architect took pride in designing every ghastly detail.
The barracks at Auschwitz, however, reveal the ghastly details of life and death there.
She'd be the worst sort of veruul, knowing all the ghastly details as she did, to feel no fear.
He did not paint in the ghastly but important details then.
"Do we have to tell him all the ghastly details?"
Is that the sort of morbid, ghastly detail you're saying I must never mention?