Fairbank had risen from his seat and was staring down at the ghastly scene below.
The artist had created a ghastly scene of slaughter in a halfling village.
Ms. Carter's best and most ghastly scene is in a similar, horrific vein.
As they rounded the bulkhead to the galley, the ghastly scene before them spoke for itself.
Trip couldn't take his eyes off the ghastly scene below.
Those who might enter upon this ghastly scene would gain an obvious conclusion.
She'd watched the ghastly scenes at the walls and in the streets with a face that might have been a bronze mask.
The ornate living room was a ghastly scene.
He heard the commotion seconds before he came upon the ghastly scene.
The bright lights seemed eerily out of place in these dark woods as they illuminated a ghastly scene.