Job-training money, for instance, might be redirected from ghetto youths toward unemployed mid-career workers.
A more articulate heroin-addicted ghetto youth, unable to get a decent job paying a decent wage, might couch his response in terms of cost-benefit alternatives.
This acerbic observation on the mortality rate among ghetto youth might just as well be a projection of the life expectancy of the black sitcom.
Research has shown that many ghetto youths are not literate yet are quite articulate and capable of reasoning.
He wrote that it offers "an insight into ghetto youth.
It chronicles the lives of Jewish ghetto youths who rise to prominence in New York City's world of organized crime.
Boxing has long been the fast track for ghetto youth - a way for the kid with slim prospects to make his way in society.
It has even come to shape the everyday language of ghetto youth".
Drug dealing is the major economic opportunity this country provides ghetto youth.