She gasped as she raced through the air, the weapons doing no harm to her ghostlike form.
Finally, and maybe for a long time, you stand in the shadow of large ghostlike faceless human forms and ponder why you know so little about what you have seen.
In the next room, a sequence of children's faces are projected from two carousel trays so that they slowly appear in partial, ghostlike form on four rows of sheets that hang over clotheslines like drying laundry.
At first they were no more in two shapeless and vaguely ghostlike forms gradually materializing from the falling snow: as they drew nearer, he identified them as the Cetnik escort leader and one of his men.
He glanced toward the window, as though to catch a glimpse of Christie, but the night had come down altogether, and the panes gave back only a dim reflection of the surgery, our own forms ghostlike in the glass.
In absorbing examples that tease perception with their ghostlike forms emerging from mist-covered bodies of water, Mr. Forelli offers intense compositions, often built around a single shape surrounded by atmospheric blur.
He paid no heed to these swiftly fleeting ghostlike forms.
This last appearance of a ghostlike form was unnerving.
Calder was a close friend of Miller, and over the years he gave her some of his work, including "Red Ghost," a 1949 mobile of a ghostlike form cut into painted red metal that is estimated at $500,000 to $700,000.
Ironically this allowed her to survive her homeworld's destruction, along with the other Phantom Zone prisoners, albeit in an invisible ghostlike form.