A ghostly cloud of Shockwave exploded, rising up and out as it expanded over the ocean, hammering away the clouds above.
"Each morning the sun came up on distantly ghostly clouds," Mr. Stone began.
The riders streamed down the slope at a brisk trot, raising a ghostly cloud of dust.
In response, the storm of words shifted like a ghostly cloud.
His breath was a ghostly cloud in the chill darkness.
The mist thickened around them as the death ship glided into the ghostly cloud.
Smoke and steam rose up in a ghostly cloud, and the scent of remembrance drifted through the trees.
All he could see before him was his own breath, a ghostly cloud each time he exhaled.
He blew a ghostly cloud of smoke moonward.
The ghostly cloud hung beneath the nets, tumbling and churning in time to the pulsing rhythm of the music.