We learn all these facts indirectly, as Charging Elk visits his increasingly ghostly memories of an eroding past.
Now Rena's written thoughts seemed like ghostly memories out of an irretrievable past.
Elsewhere the recaller had summoned only the pal- lid tatters of ghostly memories.
After showing her where to find what she needed, he headed outside, forcing himself to relax and clearing his mind of the ghostly memories.
"I was speaking of the ghostly third memory in this little calculator," Brother Paul said.
On another pillow lay a jawbone, prodding a ghostly, ghastly memory from the back of the boy's mind.
Like ghostly memories beckoning me back there.
She prayed to Eldene to help her, but he was just a ghostly memory.
So many of the more desolate parts of Britain seem to house the ghostly memory of that tragic race.
The cold disregard of the Moidart, and a life bereft of close physical contact, became a ghostly memory of the past.