Neval played the role of The Banshee, a ghostly spirit whose eerie cries awaken the dead.
There are also stories that involve supernatural forces, ghostly spirits, etc.
A supernatural force causes the shuttle to crash during landing, killing many and releasing their ghostly spirits upon the base.
The series follows the trials and tribulations of acclaimed and quirky international psychics, who make house calls, as they ask ghostly spirits to leave.
To further convince her that he was hu- man flesh rather than ghostly spirit, he dis- mounted.
The ghostly spirit of Jupiter is back, more powerful than ever before.
A ghostly spirit, or demon, who assumed a man's form in order to have sexual intercourse with mortal women.
He advises her to become a ghostly spirit so she can watch over her children.
Ms. Coates takes viewers face to face with the primeval, conjuring up ghostly spirits of the past.
With the help of a temple priest, they confirm the presence of a ghostly spirit haunting their home.