Unidentifiable apprehension lay against his skin like the ghostly touch of the finest Pantazian silk.
Michael Persinger, Jason Braithewaite, and others, suggested that perceived apparitions, cold spots, and ghostly touches are perceptual anomalies caused by variations in naturally occurring or man-made magnetic fields.
The lights of the city sparkled across the sky ahead, and gave me a ghostly touch of the old thrill of coming home.
I could see, all right; but I could feel nothing of my face, my neck, the posture of my body-nothing, in fact, save a light, almost ghostly touch: the fingers of Nebogipfel, still wrapped around my own.
His voice was hard, so deep and rough it stroked over her senses like a ghostly touch.
"The ice gives that ivory-like complexion with those ghostly touches of blue."
And, in a deep, shadowed crater, at the ghostly touch of the air, she saw light flare.
"Oh, I'll never doubt it," Father Vidicon returned, and withdrew his ghostly touch within his own spirit again.
Since being completely abandoned in 1977, the ground which laid the railroad has been left mostly untouched, leaving behind a ghostly touch of the past.
The man's skin transformed, aged, under the creature's ghostly touch; his hair turned from raven black to white and fell out in large clumps.