In the gloom, the basin looked like a dim pool of deep red wine with Deimos like a giant pearl sunk in it.
In one Mickey Mouse comic strip, the statue of a Middle East ruler had a nose that was a giant black pearl.
At that moment, the light turns reddish-yellow, and a giant pearl spins on the screen.
A fall moon hung in the sky like a giant pearl snuggled on blue velvet.
Big Rock sends his henchmen Rocky and Slick to recover the giant pearl.
Rocky and Slick also slip in to get to Shelley Millstone who attempt to get the giant pearl.
They soon return a call from Big Rock who demands the giant pearl in exchange for Pearl's freedom.
They disguise a bowling ball as the pearl when they forget the giant pearl.
Alternatively, it is also argued that Kinabalu or Akinabalu is the name of the dragon which guards the giant pearl itself.
What the hell was a giant pearl doing embedded in the head of a snake?