Ten or fifteen giant banks will emerge in the country, he said, each many times bigger than its current size.
Some giant banks got the message some time ago.
The Treasury will also have to address the issue of how to handle depositors at giant banks if such an institution should fail.
But now the man had disappeared into the shadows and a giant bank reared up ahead.
Yet taking over one or more giant banks could avoid the risk of a large-scale bankruptcy that would rattle the nation's financial system.
The job was finally finished in 1964, after all 72 steps of the giant south bank had been concreted.
The majority of people in the private sector do not work for giant banks or corporations.
To many people, the charge has come to symbolize what they consider the greediness of giant banks.
Such a move could be a step toward a bigger alliance between the giant banks.
Many analysts, including China's central bank governor, have suggested that the country's giant state-owned banks are ill prepared to face such a challenge.