The light diminished, until it flowed from a single source, glimmering like a giant bonfire behind the Transformed.
Then, around Labor Day, he burns the boat in a giant bonfire - a ritual that forces him to build again for the next season.
Eventually, all the sheep are contained and killed in a giant bonfire of ignited sheep flatulence.
There should have been shouting and huge double-edged swords slicing the air, and giant bonfires with wild, roaring flames.
They find that Shift has set up a stable where the Narnians gather at night by a giant bonfire.
This celebration ended with a giant bonfire consisting of three or four trees and some tar barrels.
When she first stepped around the tree, her gaze was drawn immediately to a giant bonfire that blazed in the center of the clearing.
Everyone froze for a second, and between peals Riker could hear the crackle and hiss of the giant bonfire.
At the original pep rally, freshmen contributed their weight in wood to a giant bonfire, known as "firing up" enthusiasm for the next day's football game.
Starting at 8 PM, the giant bonfires are lit, each with a distinctive shape.