He is a large man which swings a giant chain with a claw-like attachment at the end.
When the flooding receded in 1925, the giant chain was exposed, and the people of Columbus decided to save it for future generations.
Then Len told me of the giant chain Washington had thrown across the river to block a British invasion.
Painted over the continent of Europe are two giant red chains, links burst apart, which are sinking into the oceans.
Wal-Mart could hardly help noticing, and as a result, the giant chain has proposed not one but three stores for the area.
Manhattan, still comparatively free from the giant chains, can seem strangely safe, at least for the moment.
Service Bandwagon Most of the retailers were from independent smaller stores rather than the giant chains.
Instead of supporting local businesses, we shop at giant chains.
Not part of a giant chain, the lobby was nicely decorated and discreetly furnished.
At what point does a small business become a giant chain?