Opened in 1999, riders board a giant disk that spins and swings at high speeds for approximately 2 minutes.
A specially large motor truck was built to carry first the telescope, then the giant green disk.
While the giant disk was being given a final electrical treatment, the youthful inventor was called to the police station.
De Soya is also watching the east, waiting for the giant orange disk to appear above the darkened horizon.
Taking a deep breath, he dropped to his knees and began to crawl around the giant disk, hoping to take the kender by surprise.
The giant disk came down on its cables, directly midships.
A giant disk of cold gas and dust See more black hole images.
Klein stared toward the east, where the sun was higher now, a giant disk above the prairie.
Under his direction the vacuum lifter was made ready and installed on the giant disk.
Indy looks above him, sees the giant disk of the gong.