At 8,000 feet, about 24 seconds after the initial blast, the fuel caught fire, engulfing the remainder of the jetliner into a giant fireball.
Caught in the deadly crossfire, the Warbird's shields gave way and the ship exploded into a giant fireball.
The ticket counter, and the check-in clerk, are suddenly consumed by a giant fireball.
For a moment the entire planet looked like a giant fireball as the shuttlepod was flung through space and off the screen.
When the two collided the Amtrak locomotive erupted in a giant fireball.
"It was a giant fireball, and there were live wires all over the street."
Then the whole oil tanker burst open in a giant fireball.
The Sun was the size of a giant fireball, too brilliant to look at even for an instant.
He could run at high speeds, punch rapidly, and throw giant fireballs from his hands.
Lifting his head off the asphalt, he saw a giant fireball engulf the three vehicles.