It must survive supernovae, giant flares, interstellar dust clouds, and large-scale galactic convulsions, only to succumb eventually when the parent star burns out.
A giant flare suddenly lit up the other side of the channel - and LaNell sped off to investigate.
But the first signal he tried to kick out into space with that kind of message would be like firing a giant flare in Stygian darkness and- Of course!
Around 4 p.m., Eastern time, scientists saw another giant flare erupt from the same region of sunspots that unleashed the first storm.
Farnsworth reviews the data from the weather balloon and finds that the Sun is about to release a giant solar flare that will destroy the planet.
Through the roofs of others pro-truded mighty chimneys from which black smoke belched and giant flares of flame gouted.
Leviathan remembered when the abyss above had erupted in giant flares of killing heat.
A small fraction of short gamma-ray bursts are probably produced by giant flares from soft gamma repeaters in nearby galaxies.
The giant flare he produces is easily spotted by the sensors of the Enterprise.
A giant solar flare?