General Mills, the giant food and restaurant company, started testing home delivery last November in three suburbs of Minneapolis, its home base.
Nescafe is made by the giant food multinational, Nestle, which has the largest share of the baby milk market in developing countries.
Jean Janssen, an executive in Raerem, in the eastern part of Belgium, said he didn't think people made giant food like that in his country.
However, some of the local millionaire businessmen are worried that giant food will mean that poor workers can get richer and the millionaires may lose money.
Mr. Kranky is excited by the sight of the giant hen, and exclaims that he had been wanting to make giant animals for giant food.
Pepsico Inc., the giant food and beverage conglomerate, plans to spend $1.1 billion this year to expand its worldwide operations.
Sakurai would introduce supposedly unbelievable pictures of things such as giant food or strange bus stops, submitted by viewers of the show.
But the world is warm and moist from pole to pole now, and filled with giant plants and giant animals and giant food.
Two Big Customers In doing so, Nutrasweet had to attain only a small number of giant food and beverage concerns who use aspartame in their products.
Fall festivals and fairs offer fried concoctions of all sorts and giant sized foods.