All that was left of the building were two walls, one of which had a powder mark in the shape of a giant hound.
A landslide swept away the cliffside cottage they were in and the debris on the beach is in the shape of a giant hound.
Upon reaching the old cemetery, they notice the distant baying of a giant hound.
Sure enough, the lad slid off the withers of the giant hound and plowed headfirst into the black sand.
The footprint of a giant hound?
Once the head was clean, the giant hound limped back the way it had come.
The giant hound was dead.
For a while I rode with one group who were summoned by a crone, guarded by giant hounds.
The Climber shakes as if she's in the jaws of an angry giant hound.
She had died from fright, but a giant spectral hound stood guard over Baskerville's body.