They reminded Ernie of giant iguanas.
Mona is a mini-Galapagos with rare giant iguanas and hawksbill, green and leatherback turtles.
It is thought that Thylacinus megiriani, along with crocodiles and giant iguanas were the only predators in Alcoota.
He is like the giant iguana that one.
For it was a giant iguana, one of the most repulsive-looking of the lizards.
Mr. Damon was not a coward, but the giant iguana was not pleasant to look at.
Is it the giant iguana?
"Not the bamboo sort," which is what they call the giant iguanas you see hereabouts.
The show's host, Tyra Banks, is also shown, becoming furious at a contestant, and a giant iguana emerges from her mouth.
The iguanodon, then, must surely have looked like a giant iguana.