In the current show, "All That Is Solid," you can look through a giant kaleidoscope at the Manhattan skyline.
The show's designer, Edward L. Lindemann, said this giant kaleidoscope was meant to be "entertaining and whimsical" and to set a mood.
Kaleidoscope Party Light Show Turn the entire room into a giant kaleidoscope with this groove-setting party vi...
Molecules and atoms disintegrated, floated apart and attenuated, only to take new form again as in some giant kaleidoscope that continuously formed new pictures for the observer.
In a conversation with his architect, he recalled, "I said, 'I don't know, why not make it into a giant kaleidoscope?' "
Behind the building, children and adults can hear music made by a basalt xylophone, touch a bear track or gaze through a giant kaleidoscope.
Elsewhere, lose yourself in a crazy world of illusions whether holograms, optical puzzles, giant kaleidoscopes or vortex tunnel.
The dust was beginning to clear in some areas, in others it was just beginning to rise, giving the overall impression of a giant kaleidoscope.
FOR 17-year-old Gillian Budman, it was "like being in a giant kaleidoscope."
The giant kaleidoscope created for this hall is now preserved in the Passage Jouffroy.