The device contains a retractable belt housed in a bright-yellow casing that is shaped like a giant keyhole.
From above, Piazza San Pietro looks like a giant keyhole.
Only now as he looked lovingly and slowly again at the house itself, at its deep doorway, shaped like a giant keyhole, did the impression of the visions grow strong again.
Yet the sight of the giant keyhole and the shadowy vestibule behind it.
The giant keyhole shaped Bekal Fort, the golden expanse of a beautiful beach surrounding the fort, backwaters and hill destinations and water sport facilities nearby.
Shaped like a giant keyhole, the historic Bekal Fort offers a superb view of the Arabian Sea from its tall observation towers, which were occupied by huge cannons, couple of centuries ago.
Built into the side of a steep cliff, the Fortress was accessible through a large gold-colored door with a giant keyhole, which required an enormous key to open it.
It is called Keyhole Falls because it resembles a giant old-fashioned keyhole.
The studios provided props, notably a giant keyhole mounted on a stand as well as a pair of giant scissors, used in the scene where Tinker Bell became trapped in a jewelry box.
The great wooden frame of the door looked like a giant keyhole, tapering as it did from a flared base to a narrower top.