When he is angry he can transform into a giant lion and can run fast.
From a distance, the dragonne merely looks like a giant lion, with the exception of two metallic wings sprouting from its furred shoulders.
Jefferson wanted to link the bones with early reports of a giant lion in North America, but knew the fossil was incomplete.
Youths calling for action on climate change form a giant lion's head on the beach in Durban.
On come two giant lions, their hemp manes frothing and red plush tongues popping out from distinctly Sendakian faces.
It looks like a giant lion with diffused stripes.
The entrance is guarded by two giant lions, which are each shown crushing a war elephant.
Wrolf is restored to life, but as the giant black lion, restoring the magic to Moonacre.
On another rock they carved giant lions, 30 feet high.