I always knew there was this giant loophole that you could drive a Mack truck through.
"If we are proven wrong, then a giant loophole exists that essentially makes the insider trading laws meaningless."
"There is a giant loophole in the law," said Ms. Moskowitz.
Directors of state air pollution-control agencies today condemned the new rule, saying it was a giant loophole designed to allow companies to pollute without penalties.
But in typical fashion, the House built in a giant loophole - an exemption for members who took office before January 1980.
Only it's one giant loophole for all of them, instead of countless small loopholes.
Concern for fire safety makes sense, but there is a giant loophole.
"They have created a giant loophole through which huge quantities of hazardous wastes can escape."
Already, political insiders are carving a giant loophole that the Federal Election Commission must swiftly close.
We were just lost in this giant loophole because this one career planner was being so inconsiderate as to needs.