The show began with Spears descending from a giant orb.
Caramon's jaw sagged as he stared from the giant orb to the small bag in the mage's frail hands.
As the music ends, the final shot shows a silhouette of Shoniwa in front of a giant red orb, as the camera pans out slightly and fades to black.
He thought vaguely of Brianna's talk of giant orbs that whirled through space, the thing called gravity-and what was grave about it?
The blast shields part to reveal a giant fiery orb in their path.
Before dying out, they left behind a giant orb of gumlacose in a booby-trapped maze with a guardian monster.
He is then chased around by a giant spiked orb with the word "stress" written on it.
Its basic design is that of a giant metallic orb that floats in a geosynchronous orbit within the world's atmosphere.
Calm descends on both oceans for a few seconds, as if the world beneath the giant orb has paused to give homage to the spectacular sight.