The party was to hang a giant painting of this dirtball in the lobby.
To the immediate left on the wall was a giant painting of a jetliner taking off towards the sky.
She paused before a giant painting over ten feet wide and seven feet tall.
Whether the giant painting will remain on display, however, is still undecided.
In the background, there is a giant painting of the Earth exploding from the inside.
When Titian placed this giant painting in its majestic marble frame, it garnered much attention.
One giant painting, hanging in the uptown space, would have been enough by itself.
From between the upper windows, giant paintings of animals drew stares from pedestrians.
The owner is company director Paul Scott, who says the giant painting in his entrance hall cost no more than a personalised number plate.
Wendy treated the garden like a giant painting, structuring, planting, pruning, moving things around, and letting nature work its own magic.